Individual Coaching

Steve offers individual happiness coaching via Zoom or Facetime.  Sessions are $100 per session.  The introductory session lasts approximately one hour.  Subsequent sessions last approximately 45 minutes.  Email to schedule an appointment.

Books and classes

We have an eBook, an Amazon book, and video classes that are designed to give you the best results in the shortest amount of time.

We offer multiple options for happiness at your own pace.

Anxiety Attacks

Ebook: How I Stop Anxety Attacks in 2 Minutes (and enjoy doing it).

This is the entry level ebook to help you stop anxiety attacks, anger, and most negative emotions in their tracks.

$7.99 Kindle, $12.99 Paperback

7 minutes book cover
7 day happiness reboot 2023 cover

7 Day Happiness Reboot 2023

This is a combination of videos and pdf files. It teaches you how to reboot your brain for happiness in just 7 days.

Ask about our 30 Day Intensive Life Happiness Reboot live coaching package. Email